Gentle Touch

Therapy Training College

Gentle Touch

Candle Massage : 1-day, £150


Candle Massage, learn to massage using aromatherapy massage candles


Candle Massage – 1-day – £150

A Massage Candle for use in Flambissage is a type of pre-blended aromatherapy oil for use in massage.

The massage candles are specially blended using only pure essential oils and natural plant waxes including soya,  Jojoba oil and coconut oil add a tactile and luxury feel to this warm wax massage.

This special wax blend has very low melting point, around 4oC which is like warm bathwater.  It is therefore safe to use and will not burn the skin.

The purpose of burning the candle is to melt the wax and bring it up to working temperature.

A massage routine is included with this course, but the oil can be used with other therapies and suggestions are given in the relevant section of the manual.

It is also a lovely treatment if combined with a meditation and a good time to do this is is by candelight, while the candle is melting.  Suggested meditations are also part of this course.

Course Objectives:

  • History and principles of Candle massage
  • Your working environment
  • Codes of practice and insurance for therapists
  • Consultation process including contra-indications
  • Contra-actions and aftercare advice
  • Meditations
  • The Candle massage routine
  • Anatomy & Physiology for Candle Massage

CPD points – 18

Please note: A qualification in massage (eg Swedish or Aromatherapy) and A&P are pre-requisites for this course.

AVAILABILITY:   This course is now only available from our Doncaster training venue

Cost: £150.    Includes fully accredited course manual and Diploma

Please pay a deposit of £40 to book your course; the balance of £110 no later than 10 days before your course.